Custom NFT Socks

USD 24.00

NFT Wallet Proof Of Ownership Signature
Note: Your order will not be produced until ownership confirmation is complete.

  • Please sign a message in the wallet containing your NFT with “divvyup socks xxxx” where xxxx = the first 4 letters of the email used to place your order
    • Some MetaMask users claim to have successfully used the “Sign Message” feature on services such as MyCrypto and MyEtherWallet to sign a message. Please do your own research and use additional services at your own risk.
  • At checkout, please provide the following in the Order Notes field:
    • Link to your NFT on OpenSea
    • The original message that was signed ie. “divvyup socks xxxx”
    • The full signature including the brackets {}

Remember, owning an NFT does not necessarily mean you own the copyright or rights to reproduce it. By checking the copyright box below, you confirm that you own the copyright or have the rights to reproduce it.


1. How many different NFTs?

Nfts do not equal photos. Ex: If you have a photo of 2 of your dogs and you want both on socks, select 2 nfts.

2. Upload your NFT(s)

The best photos have good lighting and the face fully visible. No celebrity photos.

5. Choose a giftbox

Orders ship within 10 days from the date ordered

96% Polyester,
2% Nylon,
2% Spandex

Wash Cold

Over 2,000,000 pairs sold

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